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A Preview of 2011 Year of the Rabbit

Version française

The year of the Tiger will end at 12:32 on 4 February 2011 with the Chinese Lunar New Year on 3 February 2011.

Every November before I go to Singapore for my seminars, I have to prepare a preview for the upcoming year. This preview will then be posted on my website before the year starts.

In my preview for 2010, I stated that the recession is over in most Asian countries; however I expressed my doubts about the American and European countries' economies. In actuality, both the American and European economies had struggles during 2010.

Last year I suggested my students invest in metal or any metal that has movement such as automobile, railroad and wind turbine. I believe these industries rose significantly in 2010.

For 2011, Xin is sharp-edged metal therefore I can see precious metals, such as gold, silver and platinum, continue to move up with a possibility of gold reaching 1500USD. I would also suggest looking into high technology stocks because Xin metal is refined sharp-edge metal or jewelry. I would also suggest agricultural commodities because of Mao wood.

While I am writing this preview the world stock markets are enjoying a year of up trends. Everyone is in a stock buying craze, however, after a great deal of research on the movement of the stock market using Gann's System, Chaos Theory, Huang Zhi Qing Shi and also looking at the past history of the Great Depression, I do not feel at ease. In order to prevent another depression, the governments of the world should pay attention to the lows of their stock markets in 2010 and prevent it from dipping below that mark. Otherwise we may have a global depression coming and the only possible way to end a depression is through war.

From the Tai Chi Square Chart I invented I can see that 2012 will be troublesome for the stock markets. In the past, every time the market tumbled a pure gua or opposite gua is associated with the year: 1992 (Heng 恆), 1995 (Wai Ji 未濟), 1998 (Xun 巽), 2001 (Kan 坎), 2009 (Kun 坤). 2012 will be Kan 坎 again. The year before these significant years, the market went down therefore I am bearish about 2011. I would sell short in 2011 and wait for 2012 to pick up some stocks at a lower price. The Dow may hit 11425 or even 11800 this cycle before it goes down. It may occur before December (Zi month) 2010.

Let us now look into the Huang Zhi Qing Shi yearly gua from two different viewpoints; conventional and my Tai Chi Square. From the conventional perspective we will have 剝 Bo. This hexagram is associated with deterioration. It is a not a good sign to advance with the only yang yao at the very top. The yang yao can hardly defends itself; it may change into a yin yao under pressure. This November, the US will have its mid-term elections. All polls show the Republicans will regain control in Congress. President Obama may have trouble getting his initiatives passed.

From my own Tai Chi Square chart, the major hexagram is Shi 師 and the yearly hexagram is Kai 解. Shi is associated with war and troop movement while Kai is associated with solving difficult situations. Currently, we are facing global economic uncertainty in both America and Europe. The currency war due to the US quantitative easing policy, the China –Japan conflict and other global conflicts create a deadlock or stoppage which weakens the global financial recovery. The world leaders must try to solve this dangerous complexity and not let it linger on.

2011 may be a good year financially for those born in the year of Rabbit, Dog or Sheep as well as those born in Xin year.

For those born in the year of the Tiger or Geng year, it can mean financial problems or a change of residence. They also need to take care of their parents.

It may be a good career year for those born in Mao, Hai, Wei and Xu hour. Also those born in Bing or Xin hour will also a good career year.

Those born in You, Yin, Geng or Yi hour should be prepared for a bumpy career this year.

This year may be good for relationship as Mao is a peach blossom. For those with Ji earth Day Master, it can be a year of Toa Hua Sha. This can mean improper relationships that can be dangerous for your health and wealth this year.

This year’s annual flying star chart has San Sha in the west, 5 yellow in the east, 2 black in the south and 7 in the centre.

Make sure you deal with the San Sha first because from my experience over 90% of clients who asked for help did so in years when they were affected by the San Sha. You will need a live plant, a bucket of water and 3 Ki Luns in the west to combat this.

Avoid anything red in colour in the east and the centre of your house this year. Red can activate both the 5 and the 7. Put the salt-water-coin cure in the east and something blue in the centre to deal with the 5 and the 7. (For complete directions to make the salt-water-coin cure visit FengShui-Hacks.)

In addition to the above you can place the following cures for a safer 2011.

  • To minimize the annual 2 black to avoid illness, simply place a metal calabash in the south of the house.
  • To minimize the annual 3 jade-green to avoid arguments and being overly emotional, put something red in the north.
  • The northwest will be the best sector in 2011 with the annual 8 white, simply put a citron crystal there for a better year financially.
  • Put 4 stalks of Chinese lucky bamboo in the northeast which can enhance the possibility of career advancement, improved academic studies or heightened romance.
  • Put a glass of water in the southwest for the possibility of career advancement, improved academic studies or heightened romance.
  • Put a plant in the west to bring about events for celebration.

For those who are planning renovations, you can fight the San Sha in the west (make sure you know how to fight the San Sha properly before you proceed). Any renovations or additions in the west, northwest and/or north this year can bring you financial gains. Consult your practitioner to select a good date to start construction or renovations in the above areas.

All the best in 2011!

Peter Leung
© 2010 Feng Shui SOS Ltd. All Rights Reserved

Note: The above information was first shared in Singapore on 23 November 2010.

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